Camping Tools And Equipment



Firebase Product

Firebase Product

Product Info

Product Info


Project Build SuccessFully

User Card

User Card

Project Details


This project is a camping tools and equipment management system developed using Android Studio with Firebase as the backend. The application provides users with a comprehensive shopping experience,featuring authentication via Google and Facebook, and integrates Firebase for data management and real-time updates.

Screens / Pages

1. Login Page

The login page allows users to sign in using their credentials or via Google and Facebook authentication.

  • Task 1: Implement user authentication with Firebase, including Google and Facebook sign-in options.
  • Task 2: Provide error handling for incorrect credentials and options for password recovery.

2. Sign Up Page

The sign-up page enables new users to create an account using their email or through Google and Facebook authentication.

  • Task 1: Collect user details (name, email, password) and store them in Firebase Authentication.
  • Task 2: Implement email verification and user feedback on successful registration.

3. Home Page

The home page displays a list of products with options to filter and search.

  • Task 1: Show a list of camping products with filtering options (Category, Price, etc.).
  • Task 2: Implement a search bar for users to find specific items.

4. Product Detail Page

The product detail page provides comprehensive information about a specific product and allows users to add it to their cart.

  • Task 1: Display detailed information (description, price, reviews) about the product.
  • Task 2: Include an "Add to Cart" button with options to select quantity and product variations.

5. User Profile Page

The user profile page allows users to view and edit their profile information and manage their account settings.

  • Task 1: Display user information (name, email, country) with options to update profile details.
  • Task 2: Provide options for users to change their password and manage their account preferences.

6. All Categories Page

The all categories page displays a list of product categories and allows users to browse products by category.

  • Task 1: List all product categories with links to filter products by selected category.
  • Task 2: Show products within the selected category with options to sort and filter.

7. User Card Page

The user card page allows users to view and manage their shopping cart, including accurate calculations of total prices.

  • Task 1: Display items in the cart with details (name, quantity, price) and calculate the total price.
  • Task 2: Provide options to update item quantities, remove items, and proceed to checkout.

SuccessFully Completed....